Monday, October 28, 2013

Top 5 - Questions

Since I've moved here, I seem to keep getting the same questions over and over again. So since I love a good complaint/vent sesh, here is a list of the questions I have grown to hate.

  • "What is it like living with your sister?" I don't know guys, maybe like the last 19 years of my life. She isn't some stranger that I've never lived with before.

  • "What are you going to do after city college?" Do you think I know?! If I knew I probably wouldnt be at a JC. But thank you for your concern about my future.

  • "Do you work?" Now, the reason this one bugs me is because I go to school with mostly working adults so as soon as I answer "no" they think I'm a spoiled brat who gets whatever she wants. Ugh, adults. Am I right? 

  • "Do you like the cold weather here?" This one is usually asked after I tell people I moved here from SoCal. I really don't understand it. It was my choice to move, if I didnt like cold weather, don't you think I would have stayed in Long Beach?

  • "What's your natural hair color?" This one has always bugged me. Why do people care so much?
But don't get me wrong, I love when people ask me questions. I just wish they could mix it up a little bit. Ask me questions that are more fun or that don't sound so judgmental. Stop asking me about my future and ask me what I like to do right now or what's my favorite thing to do in SF rather then, "Why the heck did you move there?!"

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Top 5 - New Things

Here is a list of my favorite new things at the moment, because I know you all care.

  • Super Cue. Now, if you follow me on Instragam I'm sure you've seen me post about this place before. (or if you're a SnapChat friend, I'm sure you've gotten a snap of it) Super Cue is the boba place down the street from were I live. It may or may not be an obssession that I have. All I'm saying is that I just got a free one yesterday thanks to my stamp card. 
  • Timehop. So this is actually an app, and loooove it. If you love throwbacks nearly as much as I do... I strongly suggest you get this app. It syncs to your Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media cites that you have and shows you what you posted on this exact day, just one year ago. (or two year or three years or etc.) Here is one of the pictures from today's Time hop. Throwback to my modeling days with Kenna in Madrigals. 

  • American Horror Story. Need I say more? Ugh, it's so good. I havent watched the seasons before this but my friends watched it so I watched the season premier and I AM IN LOVE. I love scary shows and scary movies especially around this time of year. So perfect.
  • Sunday Night Roommate Dinners. I live with four other girls so it's always a party. And by party I mean, watching T.V. and eating. However, all of our schedules are very different and we are hardly all home at the same time. So we started doing "family dinners" every sunday night because we are all home at the same time. I love it. I love them.
  • Lastly, FaceTime. I never really did it untill I moved here and everyone back home wanted to FaceTime me. At first I was like... no, I do not look good at 10 O'clock at night and I dont want you to see how messy my room is. But I gave in and I love it. I love seeing my friends pretty faces.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This One time...

Ever since I've moved to San Francisco I've been struggling with a certain phrase.
This one time... 
At first I thought it was just my home sickness talking.
This one time... my mom and I went to the mall and saw...
This one time... my friends Leah and Danae sat at my house while I took a nap and then...
This one time... my soccer team took over Walmart and we... 
And then I thought it was because my roommates had such cool stories and I couldn't match up to them, but I would try.
This one time... my friends and I drove to San Diego to watch 5 innings of a baseball game and then...
This one time... I forced my friend Lovet to hike up a mountain with me and...
This one time... my friend Justine and I went to a Train concert and we...  
But then I got scared that I had no other way to start a conversation.
This one time... I went to O.C. fair with my friends and we...
This one time... my friend Angel and I stupidly watched The Conjuring and then we...
This one time... I went to chicago with my high school choir and we...

But then I realized all of things were not true. I wasn't homesick, my roommates stories werent cooler than mine, and I'm great at starting converstations. There is one explaination to my obsession with this phrase, I have a great life. At first I thought I was just being nostalgic like always, but then I realized that I just really love talking about my love of life. And I can't wait for the next chapter to my life so I can use that phrase to talk about San Francisco.
This one time... I lived in San Francisco and...